Bathe Like a Goddess:

Self Anointing as Sacred Self Care.. Celebrate the Divine Feminine Within - Everyday!

You are the goddess and you shall be treated like one today and everyday - starting with your own body in your own bathroom.

HI, I’m Genevra Petito, yogini, intuitive healer & self anointing instructor.

For the past fifteen plus years I’ve been using the ancient practice of self-anointing, also know as abhyanga, as a way to calm my anxious nerves, ease my aches and pains the comes from constant movement and manage skin irritability during cold New York winters.

After a rather traumatic car accident in 2019, I have relied on this practice more than ever to soothe hypervigilance. It gives me instant sense to safety, comfort, peace, relaxation, focus and the ability to move with ease, pain-free again.

It’s an instant attitude adjustment and it’s my favorite way of demonstrating love and kindness to Self.

From a physiological stance self anointing allows the sympathetic nervous system to “turn off” and supports the parasympathetic nervous system to take over - and one feels in balance with nature again.

As one uses this treatment as a regular practice the nervous system can reset, relearn how to live in balance with the everyday triggers.

This is my experience and why I feel so passionate about offering self anointing instructions to others.

Starting in Spring, I’ll be offering step-by-step virtual tutorials of this sacred self anointing ritual that you can rely on for many years to come to the aging process, workout recovery, travel resilience and energy enhancement.

This information is invaluable!

Excellent for:

~ all ages including postpartum mothers and babies

~trauma recovery

~ post surgery

~those having difficulty tolerating living in cold climates

~ people that rely on the body for work

~ aging athletes pre training & rest days

~balancing vata dosha especially during season change

I am so passionate about teaching others this ancient practice because it's a hugely effective tool that you can start to incorporate into your routine - daily weekly, monthly, seasonally!